The Benefits of massage therapy

The Benefits of massage therapy

Phychological Benefits, . Has a calming effect on nervouse horses .strengthens and tones different muscle groups in both working and non working horses .improves communication and bond between horse and owner through hands on contact Physical Benefits massage helps fitten horses to different dosciplines. The term (fittening) dose not always mean just the heart and lungs it can also mean strengthening the muscles and the nervouse system control of those muscles. helping horses with. .more difficult movements in dressage such as lateral work or improving horses jumping technique over fences! . massage can increase muscle strength and innervation wich will allow the horse to give you a better ride and perform more easily and comfortably. Injury is a major reason for horses and their owners being unable to enjoy a full working life together. there are many thousands of isurance claims every month for many different injuries, some of wich are prevalent in certain breeds and some wich occur through everyday stresses and strains. the most common injuries are. -soft tissue injuries, ( i.e. not bone, but commonly tendon or ligament injuries,) or - degengerative problems ( excessive damage to the bones or joints between the bones which progesses over time, such as Arthritis). The causes of injuries are nearly always multi-factoral, i.e. there are lots of reasons for the injury, not one clear cause. Regular massage on your animal will teach you to look for the early signs of an injury occuring, and can also help minimise the risk of injury occuring in the first place.